Smart HVAC Management Platform For Schools

A Comprehensive Solution for Classroom Climate Control

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Smart HVAC Management Platform For Schools

A Comprehensive Solution for Classroom Climate Control    

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Create a healthier learning environment

Control AC units
in bulk

Meet sustainability
and ESG goals

Save on electricity

Optimize Classroom

Research has shown that indoor air quality (IAQ) is up to 5x worse than outdoors; and we're all aware of the negative impact poor IAQ has on test scores and cognitive ability. Yet harmful contaminants like CO2, PM2.5, and TVOC continue to go unmonitored in classrooms affecting health, attendance, and attentiveness. But it is actually simple (and cheap) to monitor and take necessary steps to counter these harmful pollutants. 

Reduce Operational

For school and university operation managers, it is imperative to offer an ideal classroom environment for students and faculty, while keeping costs at manageable levels. A typical school buildings heating and cooling account for nearly 50% of its energy usage and with dozens, if not hundreds, of units under their control, a comprehensive HVAC management solution can make all the difference for energy use optimization. 

Positive Effects of Improved Air Quality


higher test scores 

as a result of improved focus and learning


increased attendance

classrooms with better air quality yield fewer student sick days


attention span longevity 

results based on indoor air quality improvements

* All stats based on multiple field studies 

Sensibo Airbend

Indoor Climate & Air Quality Management

Smart AC devices

Sensibo offers smart AC devices that make all split AC or remote controlled units "smart". With advanced automation and smart rules that actively react to indoor climate fluctuations, schools can save big on their energy bill. And with plug-and-play installation, theres a low upfront cost and no disturbance to busy school days.

Air quality devices 

The classroom environment has a huge impact on students' cognitive ability, and air quality plays a large (but silent) role. Air quality monitors detect unhealthy classroom air and instruct staff to improve classroom ventilation by activating air purifiers or even by simply opening a window.

Take Control Of Your Energy Usage 

Gain complete control over your schools HVAC management with Sensibo Airbend - no matter how many units you have. Turn on, off, or adjust units by classroom or in bulk from a unified dashboard and set smart schedules to optimize usage. Minimize energy waste, save on AC bills, and be a more sustainable school with Airbend. 

What can Airbend do for your School?

Case Study: ORT Educational Network Saved 28% On AC Bill

Discover how the ORT Educational Network achieved a remarkable 28% reduction in their air conditioning expenses through a compelling case study in energy efficiency.

Download Now

What Can Airbend Do For You? (likely delete and add use case when ready)

Relevant For All School Levels


Primary School

High School


Join The Hundreds of Schools Already Benefitting From Airbend

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Looks like we’re not getting voted off the island.


Winner - Net Zero Hero 2023


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The tribe has spoken.

Looks like we’re not getting voted off the island.


Winner - Net Zero Hero 2023


Amazon, Amazon Ads, Amazon Service Provider Network, Amazon SPN and Amazon SPN logos are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates.  

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Frequently Asked Questions

Sensibo Airbend for Schools Overview

Sensibo Airbend for schools is an HVAC controller specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of educational institutions. Developed by Sensibo, an industry leading provider of HVAC control systems and commercial climate management solutions, Sensibo Airbend empowers schools to create a comfortable and conducive learning environment, to improve students' learning, while optimizing energy efficiency and reducing operational costs.

Key Features:

  • Enhanced Comfort for Students and Staff: Sensibo Airbend ensures an optimal indoor climate, providing students and staff with a comfortable learning and studying environment. Airbend allows schools to maintain precise temperature settings, promoting better concentration, productivity, and well-being throughout the school day.
  • Intelligent Energy Optimization: With advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities, Sensibo Airbend intelligently manages HVAC systems to reduce energy consumption and minimize enrgy waste. Schools can significantly lower utility bills while lowering their their carbon footprint, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
  • Mobile App Control: Sensibo Airbend can be controlled remotely via a user-friendly mobile app. Whether you're at home or on the go, you can easily adjust the temperature settings, turn the system on or off, and access various other features through the app.
  • Air Quality Management: The system includes air quality monitoring, which is vital for educational institutions. Sensibo Airbend tracks indoor air quality metrics, such as CO2, TVOC, PM2.5, humidity and temprature, providing valuable insights to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment.
  • Remote Monitoring and Control: Sensibo Airbend offers remote access through an intuitive app. Administrators and staff can effortlessly manage and monitor HVAC systems from anywhere, allowing for proactive adjustments, troubleshooting, and temperature control..
  • Air Quality Management: The system includes air quality monitoring, which is vital for educational institutions. Sensibo Airbend tracks indoor air quality metrics, such as CO2, TVOC, PM2.5, humidity and temprature, providing valuable insights to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment.



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