Learn more about air conditioner filters

Learn more about Filters

You’ve been using Sensibo for quite a few days and it’s time to clean your filters!

Sensibo monitors the usage of your air conditioner and alerts you when it's time to check your filters and clean them.

Dirty or clogged filters block normal airflow and reduce a system's efficiency significantly. 
By cleaning your filters you can save 5%-15% on the AC energy costs.

Cleaning the air-conditioner filters helps to ensure the AC performs efficiently, the air quality is high and that no energy is wasted. You and your AC deserve better! 

After removing the large dust chunks, rinse or soak the filters in warm water. Add some vinegar to kill bacteria and allergens that might have accumulated on the filters.

If the filters are damaged, please contact your supplier for replacement filters.

Have a fresh day,
The Sensibo Team.